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As part of our social responsibility (C.S.R.) Smt. Indirabai Wavikar Charitable Trust & Vishwanath Eye Bank are functioning dedicatedly for the cause of community awareness and outreach programs and conducting Eye Donation in Mumbai


Smt. Indirabai Wavikar Charitable Trust provides comprehensive eye care to the patients from the underprivileged section of the society with various screening and operative camps in urban as well as rural areas. Free or subsidized cataract surgeries are offered to these patients.

We appeal to you all to contribute generously for the accomplishment of our mission of “VISION FOR ALL BY 2020”.

As a part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), we welcome the corporate to associate with us and donate towards this noble cause.


  • Eye Donation in Mumbai
  • Sponsoring medical treatment for chronic diseases like diabetic children having eye problems.
  • Ophthalmic investigations.
  • Pathological investigations of camp patients.
  • Post-operative medicines and goggles.
  • Sponsoring awareness camps other than cataract.
  • Diabetes Mellitus affects vital organs like Kidney, Heart, and the Eyes.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy is a disorder of retinal blood vessels resulting from Diabetes Mellitus. The incidence increases with the duration of diabetes. About 60% of patients having diabetes for 15 years or more will have some form of diabetic retinopathy.
  • Diabetic Retinopathy can lead to permanent blindness, thus making the diagnosis and treatment of high importance.
  • To help the patient take special care of their eyes and vision, we organize eye care camps especially focusing on Diabetic Retinopathy screening and prevention. The purpose is to help patient to minimize their eye care problems associated with Diabetes.
  • We propose you to sponsor towards our Diabetic retinopathy screening Camps.
  • Organizing camps allow us to spread good eye care precautions with do’s and don’ts.

For Further Details Contact Us at


Ms. Sayali Pattekar

Sr. Executive-CSR

Smt. Indirabai Wavikar Charitable Trust


Or write to us at: