Pediatric Ophthalmology is a dedicated super-specialty branch of ophthalmology that deals with all the ocular disorders of the children.Never Compromise on child eye health.Visit experienced pediatric ophthalmologist in Thane at Wavikar Eye Institute.
The most common disorders include refractive errors,squint,amblyopia,allergic eye diseases,etc.
It is very important to detect and treat the disorders in children because if delayed then it can lead to irreversible visual loss. Also because children usually do not complain of any visual problem,it becomes of utmost importance to have the child examined by a pediatric ophthalmologist.
Most often you will be surprised to find that the child has significant refractive errors in spite of the child is asymptomatic.
Ideally,the child has to be examined by the pediatric ophthalmologist between 6 -12 months of age and then at 3 years and at 5 years of age.
Amblyopia is a medical term for poor vision in one or both the eyes that did not develop normal vision in early childhood.The eye looks perfectly normal from outside as well as inside.
The neuronal network in the brain which is concerned with vision is constantly developing till 7-8 yrs of age. During this period if the brain does not receive clear images from one of the eyes,then it starts neglecting the images from that eye & prefers the good eye for seeing.If no intervention is done then this becomes permanent & the vision in the poor eye drops further & the eye becomes amblyopic is then not used for seeing
Amblyopia is treated by occlusion (patching) which involves closing the good eye thus forcing the child to see with the eye with poor vision.
Remember that patching is most effective if started before 8 yrs of age. Earlier the treatment started faster is the visual recovery.
Computerized vision therapy software is now also available for faster and complete recovery of vision in the amblyopic eye